Author Archives: admin

Special HOA Meeting

 HOA Meeting

The next Country Meadows Estates Home Owners Association meeting will be held on Monday, February 11, 2013. The time and location will be soon forthcoming


Annual meeting.

Dear Residents,

We are pleased to announce that our annual meeting will be held on February 13, 2012. We will keep you informed of any changes and will be announcing the venue in a future post.

Estimados Residentes,

Nos complace informarles que nuestra junta anual será el 13 de febrero del 2012, por este medio los mantendremos informados de cualquier cambio y el lugar donde se llevara acabo. 

Thank you

Country Meadows Home Owners Association

Association fees.

Dear Residents,

We are pleased to announce that the association fees are due on or before January 31st, 2012.  We will be mailing out invoices in December.  The fees for this year will be $363.00. You can mail your check to 3102 S McColl Road, PMB D-10, Edinburg, TX 78539 and made payable to CMEHA. Please remember that your fees help to maintain our subdivision and keep it beautiful, safe,  and clean.

Estimados Residentes,

Les informamos que la fecha limite de pago de la cuota anual es el 31 de Enero del 2012, estaremos enviando los recibos por correo el mes de Diciembre la cuota es de $ 363.00 y pueden mandar sus cheques por correo a la siguiente dirección 3102 S McColl Road, PMB D-10 Edinburg,TX 78539 los cheques son a nombre de CMEHA. Por favor recuerda que tu cuota anual ayuda a mantener nuestra colonia bonita, segura y limpia. 

 Thank you

Country Meadows Home Owners Association

Country Meadows HOA

Welcome to Country Meadows.  This page has been designed for our residents.  This is your space for news and for you to comment, ask questions or complain about problems that arise in our community.  There is a comment link on every post so you can send us your input.  Hope you like our new site and thank you all for making this subdivision a wonderful place to live and also for giving us the opportunity to serve you all.

Thank you

Country Meadows Home Owners Association